
‘Shock Absorber’

This article sent in by reader Marcus Reardon. I've heard many of these points previously but I don't have the inclination to authenticate it or to know if I'd be able.

In brief …. very brief … a brief ..... as mostly gathered by Tatum Sessions on her WondrousWiseWomen channel (BNT,US). Tatum wants to help society by means of a pass-it-on shock-absorbing brief, for the sake of billions of folk who have no idea whatsoever that a crowd of miscreants have been criminally controlling our lives. Here it is (edited), up to +-+-+-+(MR)

“Khazarian Mafia (KM) has been in control of us for centuries … has run our bank systems and foisted upon us our belief systems, by means of controlling the narrative of almost everything published. Imagine a super-mafia with ultimate power over almost everything via threats and coercive ‘bungs’ in government, the media and big industry including pharmaceuticals, manufacturers & suppliers, judiciary and of course banks. Its primary power centres, geographically, have been Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Switzerland and Israel. You can explore more about KM in Rumble, Bitchute and such-like Websites. Just type keywords from this essay into the search windows. 

KM is sometimes referred to as The Cabal and, more loosely, the illuminati or Deep State. It’s difficult to determine the names of the few hundred people at the very top of the control pyramid but just below the peak are the ‘elite’ consisting of several million puppets who carry out the control work. There are reportedly 13 blood-line families, though it could be more, who have continued the chain-link success of KM down the centuries. There are many closely connected offshoots who intermingle amongst the controllers and the elite.

The KM’s objective is total world control, known as One World Order, which includes wiping out the Middle Classes. To obtain untold wealth, they've illegally charged us tax on our income  and as well as applying countless other dodgy laws that restrict freedom and tie us into a life of work / tax / die. They currently control operations like WEF, WHO, NIH, CCP, IMF, CIA, FBI, the UN, et al. These private organisations have been working their way into being governmental instructors. They want 95% population reduction with half a billion minions remaining to do their donkey-work, under a non-democratic world council, similar to the EU – accountable to nobody. They try to convince us this would be good for personal protection by inventing credible stories (lies) like Covid, Earth on Fire (via carbon), Alien Invasion et al. Secret societies are their buddies as are royalty and countless others in high places.

A more elucidatory background can be acquired by watching The Fall of The Cabal by Janet Ossebaard - a Wondrous Wise Woman - on Rumble, followed by Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal. +See Wendy Young's list below.

After the assassination in 1962 of JFK, who said he wanted to ‘break the CIA onto a million pieces and cast them to the wind’ (hence his death), 200 fair-minded military generals formed what is now referred to as the White Alliance. They'd seen what was going behind the scenes, with its escalating control strategy. They determined to wipe out the Deep State, which was more or less organised crime on a massive scale. The group wanted to re-establish a fairer USA, and world, run in the interest of the general population rather than the skulduggery continuing to expand via the KM. Some claim this alliance has its roots going back 150 years to Lincoln’s era.

Fast forward to the present day. One of the biggest control-grab mechanisms ever witnessed – Covid-19 – came close to success in 2020/21 by dishonestly convincing the public there was a perilous disease with the potential to kill great swathes of world’s population. This was the KM in full swing. Now seen as a massive lie, the number of people supposedly dead from Covid-19 was the same number as usually die each year of influenza type A & B, when the numbers of flu deaths went to zero. Nowadays, antigen tests are often labelled ‘Covid-19 / Influenza A or B’.

In other words, it was flu renamed to achieve social separation and disaster for masses of ordinary people and for small businesses (which the KM want to eliminate in their control plan). No new pathogen has ever been identified so the new perilous disease simply didn’t exist. Such was the fear generated in the populace, assisted by the totally-controlled media and government daily TV shows, more than half of most populations around the world willingly submitted themselves to gene modifying injections which were falsely called vaccines. A bogus testing mechanism convinced people they were in danger or in fact suffering disease without symptoms. Pull the other one!

Latterly, we all know these injections did nothing to prevent infection or transmission of anything. Shockingly, some fearful folk continue to ask for boosters because they believe they are less likely to die early! Take note of the folk who rammed this deception down our throats, day after day. They surely must be held accountable. Incredibly, WHO are still trying to mandate more injections, via new scare stories.

Fortuitously, possibly 80% of the injections received were old stock flu jabs, which Big Pharma wanted to offload, or placebos. That’s obvious now – we can appreciate, with hindsight, it wasn’t practical to manufacture 4 billion doses of a new product in a few months. But those who have received the actual mRNA injections will likely see their lives shortened via immune system debilitation leading to diseases they might never associate with the injections. According to governmental data, which record only a small percentage of problems because reporting is voluntary, millions have already died or been permanently incapacitated due to the mRNA jabs.*

Hopefully, antidotes will be forthcoming. It’s publicly documented fact that mRNA, untested previously on humans, causes the body to manufacture spike proteins, in turn causing pathogens to create within human cells. As thousands of doctors / professionals are publicly stating, including mRNA inventor R Malone, the immune system is much more likely to suffer from mRNA than be assisted.

What other scaremongering have we recognised, accompanied by promises of protection from threats to our existence? Recall the terrorist attacks, two decades ago, which turned out to be a damp squib. The alternative news often focuses on how we’d been duped into supporting incursions in the Middle East by the very same mafia who caused 9/11 (no planes involved), the London Bombings et al. Did we notice how this growing threat fizzled out? There is not, nor ever has been, a middle-eastern terrorist gang in our streets or skies threatening society. 9/11 fake was easy - controlled demolition from Building 7, which went down later without being touched. Planes were touched in later - looking like like a knife through butter. The faking is all on video - look it up. Talking fakes - the moon landing was shot in the Nevada desert; no man has ever been through the Van Allen radiation belt. You don't need to research, Rumble has it all.

Obviously, ‘climate change’ is another big scare story. Notice how the term ‘global warming’ was largely dropped, disproved by simple data. There is no climate emergency. We should wake up – and wake others up – if we’re to avoid being so indifferent as to prevent our own imprisonment (by a fascist-takeover regime). Earth is currently short of CO2, threatening plant life and thus human life. By the globalist's own admission, weather is now being manipulated by HAARP etc. But the threats are believed; that we must give up our freedoms to tackle this 21st century horror. It’s another false flag within the ultimate-control strategy.

Isn’t it amazing how many people unquestioningly go along with such bullshine? Their fear is so intense they lie down – or glue together - in horrendously dangerous places in order to spread fear into others. Their fear coerces them into ignoring facts staring us in the face, such as: All the cars in the world turning to battery power wouldn’t reduce CO2 emissions by one-ten-thousanth of that produced by ships, planes, industry, natural fires, etc., without mentioning breathing. There is no CO2 problem, we could do with more! Oh, and KM invented the name Fossil Fuel for oil in order to paint a picture of scarcity. Oil doesn’t actually come from rotting vegetation. It’s present at the Earth’s mantle and is the second largest liquid on Earth after water; there’s no chance of it running out because it replenishes itself. We’re also about to ‘discover’ free fuels in abundance – a fact that’s been hidden from us on purpose. 'Stop Oil' is pure fantasy, caused by brain-washing..

Rewind a little – and peak into the rabbit hole for just a tiny glimpse. What is the culture of the KM and why do they want to get rid of the ‘useless eaters’, as Claus Schwab (WEF) terms us ordinary folk in one of his books? Their nature is fascism and naziism. It doesn’t take much research to confirm such things as: Schwab’s father close friend of Hitler, who was not killed in WW2 but escaped to S America where he begat 2 children – A Merkle and B Sorretoro's mother (Barry Sorretoro is Barak Obama). Soros similarly son of nazis. Gates, Zuckerberg et al all working for the KM, by means of Foundations as are/were Clintons, Bushes, Royal Families galore, the Vatican, Trudeau, Blair, Biden, Macron, May, Pelosi, Johnson, Podesta, Ardern, Merkel, Sturgeon, Netanyahu and all their pals worldwide. Most of them had associated with Schwab’s Young Leaders programme, and they ALL tried to foist upon the world a fascist One World Order. Many of them are being deposed by White Hat manipulation now. Big social media and Amazon were set up by KM operations. They are spies.

It's somewhat odd that, within the Deep State, so many men pose as women - e.g.’s Mother Teresa (father of A Fauci), Michelle Obama (Mike Robinson), Kamala Harris and cross-dressers in a multitude of high-rank positions and entertainment. Some of this, we have guessed, relates to facilitating child trafficking, which is a KM top income source, never addressed seriously by gov or MSM. Some is obviously to hide real gender / sexual preferences from the public; some possibly to present a female face, which can be more politically acceptable/ believable. Suspect a strong connection here could be the perverted desires / rituals of many of the Mob. Epstein-Maxwell activities here too, as facilitators to hundreds of well-known names now surfacing. It certainly ties in with so many of the Cabal being Satanists (reportedly including popes, celebrities, elites), as are many in the entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood (see Mel Gibson’s documentary and statements on this); their rituals include raping and torturing youngsters, thereby attaining powerful life-extending adrenochrome for personal consumption, sacrificing babies/ children, cooking /eating the flesh.

Allied to all this, thousands of tunnels have been discovered across the world, many already destroyed via military clean-up.  The tunnels contained riches, long-life food and caged youngsters. These are crimes almost too horrific to mention but be prepared for this to be revealed over time once the KM are held to account, imprisoned / executed. Prepare for revelations of celebs involved in these child abuse / satanic crimes – some fav stars we thought were so great!. Unprepared, it could blow your socks off. The jury is still out on the logic of cross-dressing.

The White Alliance (‘White Hats’) were supported by JFK Jr, son of JFK, who had to fake his own death in the late ‘90s to avoid assassination himself – was a lifelong friend of D Trump who was eventually called upon by White Hats to assist them. Trump wasn’t a politician and was planted in the cause of ‘draining the swamp’ as he often says. Prepare too for other well known dead people to reappear who have been hiding under witness protection to save themselves from the wrath of the KM. Trump went around the world getting support for draining the swamp because KM had infiltrated across the globe. BRICS was already formed (Russia, India, China, S Africa, Brazil) in order to re-establish reformed world currencies with real value to oppose the fiat dollar, which the KM had converted into confetti. Now, many more countries are aligning with BRICS and, reportedly, a Quantum Financial System will soon appear based on asset-backed currencies all round (each currency note/coin backed by a piece of precious metal or the like) together with **NESARA /GESARA being introduced everywhere. Let’s hope it gets established before the central banker’s attempted grab with their own digital currency (soon), which is an attempt to keep the central bankers in control. See more at under ‘qfs’.

Supposedly there’s a lot more to the Ukraine war than has been stated in most narratives. Putin has been helping to rid his region of nazi bio-labs, which is KM strategy for world takeover, and nazi people who illegally took over Ukraine in 2014. They have treated their citizens like shit. Since the illegal takeover in 2014, it is said Ukranian nazis have raped and killed 30,000 innocent children, their organs and adrenochrome sold to the Elites. The world, via Main Stream Media, has been told a different story – a Hate Russia tale. Taiwan is another main locality of bio-weapon production. Sudan is another. Expect upheaval or acquiescence. 

The USA government, and probably others as well, are supposedly infiltrated with supporters of CCP and other KM allies. There is vast corruption in State government. Judiciary is also in the hold of KM. They are continually trying to discredit Trump so he can’t stand for election in 2024. Supposedly (reported by many) the 2020 election was fixed for the Dems but, before Trump left, an executive order handed control of the Country over to the military and Biden has been operating media coverage from Theater Sets (duplicates of the White House). Most States have now rejected the 2020 election results. No total proof here, until announced, but there’s endless chit-chats around this subject in the alternative news. No reports in the MSM of course.

Fast forward again. The ‘war’ between White Hats and Black Hats (KM) is reaching  a crescendo – although the outfall will take 10/15 years to clear up even if the White Hats win. Worldwide, everyone has been notified there will soon be Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) coming to us via mobile phones, so that’s no longer a theory - been predicted since 2021. The EBS is not really for weather & fires, as notified. It’s to heighten public awareness of the war that’s been raging in the background and what is proposed in solving it. It’s suspected (by those who question everything and delve below the surface) EBS announcements might start with lockdowns in many areas for many days – with no internet, phones, ATMs – while being directed to tv broadcasts which start to explain the big picture. This might be exclusively in USA at first, but reportedly military are ready globally to organise proceedings.

Obviously, the One World Order brigade could be outdoing the Whitw Hats in the background - in which case could use EBS to control us all tightly. I wish I could predict a happy outcome but that's impossible.

The object of White Alliance is to start over, wiping away old systems and KM controlled governments, revising education, finance, Trade & commerce and Health care. ***Medbeds are said to be ready, giving the public free preventative care, via etheric frequencies and stem cell treatment, eradicating the need for most drugs and most hospitals. There are technologies galore that have been hidden from us by KM, including a free electricity source in the ether frequencies, easily tapped.

Lots of revelations will be shocking to most, especially if unexpected, so do ask your friends to lend an ear to all this – even as a very remote or unlikely possibility -- and be prepared with at least a month’s supply of food and water + cash at all times. The EBS is being tested April 2023 and much change is expected Summer / Fall 2023, going on for years.
Banks are beginning to fall world-wide, releasing the criminal hold the central bank owners (KMs Rothchild & Rockefeller) have had over world finance. Unless real inflation can be engineered - i.e. too few goods for expenditure available - there's a certain depression looming. Continuing to borrow / print fiat currency in order to service existing (ever expanding) debt is like watching a bomb explode in slow motion .............." 

Lots more wondrous women speaking out despite personal threats:  Katherine Watt (watch first)  --  Mel K  --  Dr Carrie Medej  --  Judy Byington  --  Dr S Tenpenny  --  Deborah Tavares  --  Prof Delores Cahill  -- Kerry Cassidy  --  Dr Lee Merritt   --  Ann Vandersteel -- Prof Judy Mikovits (whose video Plandemic had 1 billion+ views)  -- Medeea Greere (amg-news)  --  Dr Sam Bailey  --  Katie Hopkins  --  Lisa Haven -- Grace A Kelly  --  Michelle Moore  --  Celeste Solom  --  Rima Laibow  --  Penny L A Shepard  --   Maria Zeee --  Karen Kingston  --  Christiane Northrup --  Dr Jane Ruby  --  Sasha Latypova  --  Catherine Austin Fitts --  Dr Naomi Wolf  --  Dr Kelly Victory

+Plus  -- Wendy Young, wife of Dr Scott young (Telegram, created next list, "to help others get informed about the current world situation! Pace yourself…" (Updated by her April 2023)

1. Out of Shadows, 2. The Fall of the Cabal series, 3. The Sequel of The Fall of the Cabal series, 4. Altiyan Childs' documentary “X Factor Winner Reveals Secret Religion”, 5. NESARA Explained 3-part series by Dr. Scott Young, 6. JFK to 9/11 Everything is a Rich Man's Trick, 7. Pervywood Documentary series, 8. Died Suddenly Documentary, 9. Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels by End Times Production, 10. Just The Tip - of the Epstein Iceberg, 11. Silent Epidemic - which Vaccines are poisonous? Final Days - the Elite's plot.  Wendy comments, "The Out Of Shadows documentary lifts the mask on how the mainstream media & Hollywood manipulate & control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content. Our goal is to wake up the general public by shedding light on how we are lied to. Sound of Freedom is also a Must Watch true story film on general release"

useful - includes ***Medbeds / health tips / Gitmo / QFS / **Gesara / / (Truth Media Channel) / 


Late news from these links: The fiat USD is dead internationally, only good in Canada, US and Mexico for another 3-4 months..../  The new US Treasury dollar will be announced shortly ... / Blackrock and Blackwater are bankrupt, or on the verge. The White Hats are taking them down.... /Many states like Texas have made legislation to re-instate gold-backed currency; they have the gold.... / Wise-Man forecaster Bob Moriarty (BIN 13.04.23) "There's going to be outright chaos - back up with 6 months supplies.... be ready for a 50 year change over 6 months. / April '23 VAERS numbers in US (VAERS admits their figures show just 1% to 10% of actual cases because system is voluntary):* 818,042 Adverse Events; 83,412 Hospitalizations; 92,017 Urgent Care; 26,199 Disabled; 10,179 Bell's Palsy; 10,304 Myocarditis; 8,408 Heart Attacks; 2,631 Miscarriages and 17,128 Deaths. Dr Robert Young (author, Truth vs Deception)   "My estimate is 1.2 billion have already been affected or died - graphine oxide plays a huge part." / Big build-up of U.S. troops on both coasts  / JFK Jr to announce his reappearance soon / USA bankcrupt by June 2023 / Covid truth in MSM shortly - public awe & annoyance when revealed / Ukraine cleansed of nazi biolabs - West will fall to Polish alliance / pervy W.H.O. wants little kids worldwide active in kinky sex

Ed comment: As wild and incredulous a lot of this sounds, there are literally thousands of websites / channels who now align with this general panorama, whereas there weren’t before Covid. It looks like the Covid scamdemic was a wake-up call for many who have possibly uncovered lies bigger than most of us could imagine.

Seemingly, we’re predicted to either be more or less wiped out by the New World Order gang or those nasties themselves will be wiped out and we’ll all have a new life of natural fairness and great wealth. I can’t reach a final conclusion but am intrigued enough to keep reading other peoples’ stuff. I'm inclined to believe a lot of this but I also suspect nasty people might have spun ALL the narratives so as to lure us into their net!

Certainly, those called conspiracy theorists about the Cov disease and the vaxxes have been largely vindicated and the background support from medical / legal experts is growing rapidly. Many eminent specialists have been triggered into doing serious research and spending a lot of money and effort publishing it, as well as folks like you and me who have been keeping an eye out.

It sounds like an immediate confrontation to save or destroy mankind, doesn’t it? As one reader of ODO commented, “It’s like wolves fighting over what’s available for dinner.”

I find the Benjamin Fulford reports highly creditable. I don’t know how much he can be relied on (or not) but he has credentials way above most journalists – former Asia / Pacific chief of Forbes, has sold 500,000 non-fiction books on business and political matters, consulted by many, and has top contacts throughout governments, royalty, secret services. He appears to be a bona fide distinguished reporter.

I'll add here recent B Fulford report(s) so he can be rated by readers according to what prevails beyond the report date.

Sept 25 2023:

It really will be a Red October this year

Something fundamental has changed at the highest levels of power in the West. The signs are everywhere. The US government is being shut down. The traitor Mark Milley is resigning as head of the Pentagon at the end of this week. The Pentagon will do some major housecleaning when General Charles Q Brown takes over on October 1st, CIA sources say. The mass murdering Russian Chabad agent Vladimir Zelensky left Washington empty-handed. Rupert Murdoch and Michael Bloomberg are resigning, and much more.

A big sign of change is the public release of documents showing the COVID-19 pandemic was a US Department of Defense Operation dating back to President Barack Obama. “The Pentagon controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval.”

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All officials involved, starting with the traitor Mark Milley, will be executed for war crimes, Pentagon sources promise

Also, under the surface, MI6 has given the green light for nuclear attacks on Washington DC, Geneva and Tel Aviv unless the perpetrators of the vaccine mass murder are rounded up to face war crimes tribunals.

MI6 further says the President of Ireland and King Charles III have been ordered to appear on BBC to say they have been arrested and summarily fired. If this does not happen, the public head of MI6 Richard Moore says they will “Do whatever is needed, but legally.”

This came after the fake (according to Mossad) Britain’s King Charles III attended a dinner with former juvenile male prostitute and Rothschild slave president Emanuelle Macron where each of the 160 guests was given a bottle of wine worth 2,772 Euros at the expense of French taxpayers.

When we confronted them with evidence of a fake King Charles and a fake Pope Francis presiding over war crimes, the P2 Farnese and Orsini families said the people behind this were Yehuda Teichtal, Aaron Teitelbaum and Riccardo Di Segni the Chief Rabbis of Berlin, New York and Rome. If this is true, then these people are Satanists and not Jews because they are breaking the golden rule of doing unto others as you would have others do unto you.

We also asked our FSB sources if the Chief Rabbi of Moscow was involved. The answer was it’s “complicated.” When asked for details, they explained powerful factions in Russia centered around the Satanist Dmitry Medvedev are obeying the death cult Chabad and pushing for all-out nuclear war.

The Chinese Lotus Freemasons –whose 55 million person membership includes President Xi Jinping- say criminal charges need to be filed against government officials involved in the COVID and Vaccine mass murder. The Chinese also know the bio lab laboratory in Wuhan belongs to Glaxo, Glaxo is the owner of Pfizer, Pfizer is managed by Black Rock, and Black Rock manages the SOROS FOUNDATION and thus the Octagon group in Switzerland. Other Asian secret societies are also aware of this.

The Lotus Freemasons say their own research into the COVID attack confirms a virus was leaked from a US-owned laboratory in Wuhan. This was then used as an excuse to inject people around the world with a “degraded” (劣化) vaccine. The Lotus Freemasons further say they are looking into the evidence Wuhan was attacked with electromagnetic weapons and will get back to us on that. They add “The white hats around the world are on the move…these people will all be arrested. You will start to see more and more reports of arrests around the world.” In an early sign of this, the US government scrapped funding for the Wuhan Institute of Virology after the facility didn’t fork over documents about safety and security.

Also, speaking of arrests, here you can watch Israeli Ambassador to the U.N. Gilad Erdan being detained last Tuesday at U.N. Headquarters.

Next week criminal charges will be filed against the Japanese slave government, other Asian underworld sources say. If Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and all members of the Japanese government involved in vaccine crimes are not arrested, the Asian underground will take action, the sources say.

Readers can help in this process by personally filing murder charges against officials involved in pushing the vaccines within their local police jurisdictions. Police will be forced to act once they are shown evidence the vaccines are harmful and do not protect against COVID. The chart below shows, for example, countries that vaccinated their populations more than twice, had excess mortality ranging from 6 to 20%. The largest autopsy study in the world revealed the shocking statistic that 73.9% of deaths among “vaccinated” are caused by the vaccine. Countries that did not vaccinate had normal mortality rates.

Also, it has been scientifically proven that people who received a COVID-19 booster were more likely to become infected when compared to unvaccinated people.

In other words, it has now been scientifically proven the vaccines were mass murder. If the local police fail to take action, force them into action by telling them you are legally entitled to personally arrest the officials involved and will do so.

If readers need legal help, they can contact lawyers such as the group of international lawyers now fighting the World Harm Organization.

Since the Khazarian mafia control grid relies on compromising only the top people, this sort of mass, evidence-based legal action against local vaccine-pushing doctors and officials will force the removal of compromised leaders.  

We are already seeing signs top Khazarian puppet leaders are preparing to flee. For example, Canadian Security Intelligence Service officials tell us the mass murderer Justin Castrudeau is planning to flee to Costa Rica. Our sources in Costa Rica say Castrudeau personally flew in with his private jet a few weeks ago to inspect properties. “He is definitely looking for a safe place to run when he has to flee Canada,” the sources say.

Castrudeau displayed his criminality to the world last week by inviting an actual Nazi SS officer to speak to the Canadian Parliament. He also hosted the war criminal and mass murdering Russian Chabad agent Vladimir Zelensky to speak there.

He is now an international pariah thanks in large part to a fight he is waging against India. After being accused by India’s government of supporting terrorism in Khalistan, he tried to turn the tables by accusing India of murdering a Sikh activist in Canada this past June. Not even close Canadian allies like the UK and the US supported him in this.

The criminal idiot then tried to up the ante by having Sukhdool Singh, a man wanted for murder in India, shot dead in Winnipeg, Canada and attempted to blame this on India as well. CSIS sources say Singh was killed by “hired assassins doing Castrudeau’s work.”

Things have escalated to the point where Canadians are banned from visiting India and Indian TV is threatening to nuke Canada. 

Now this criminal appears to be planning a pipeline “emergency” in Northern Alberta. 

Canadians are not fooled by this man any more as you can see by the welcome Zelensky and Trudeau got last week.

It is now looking like Canadian farmers will follow up on their trucker buddies by descending on Ottawa and forcing this criminal to finally flee. Of course, he will be hunted down and brought to justice no matter where on this planet he tries to hide.

As crazy as Canada now seems, the situation is far worse in the United States. For example, the US government is running out of money and due to shut down at the end of this month even though it was supposed to have “secured financing until January 2025.”

It appears they were just cooking the books and got caught. My former colleagues at Forbes report the US government cannot account for $21 trillion worth of Treasuries.

As Tucker Carlson comments:

Our system is collapsing in real-time. We’re watching this happen. If you read the American media, it is stories about Kim Kardashian and lots of irrelevant crap about trannies and all this stuff.

Now CIA sources inform us “Something big is going down. They may be planning for their joint next move in October if the Fake Biden circus show cannot make the payments due by 15 October.”

In a hint of what sort of stunt they may pull off, the Biden administration is paying illegal immigrants to fly directly from their hometowns into a U.S. city of their choice. These are almost entirely military-aged men who are given IDs upon arrival.

Nonetheless, the Joe Biden circus show is definitely coming to an end. For example, a video has emerged online of what many now believe to be an actor portraying Biden – exiting via a back parking lot with no secret service.

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If you haven’t figured it out by now, “Biden” is compromised and he weaponized his DOJ to cover up his breadth of criminality.

Here, for example, you can watch Attorney General Merrick Garland refuse to comment on the potential of Hunter Biden selling his art in exchange for policy decisions.

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Now Hunter Biden is to appear in court on October 3 on gun charges.

In case you don’t think the current US Corporation needs to be bankrupted note that as things stand the nation’s approximately 1.3 million active-duty troops will stop getting paid in October. These troops already live in sewer-infested housing.

Meanwhile, at Baltimore City Public Schools -the country’s fourth most funded school system-: “40% of Baltimore City high schools, where the state exam was given, did not have any students score proficient in math. Not one student.”

Then as a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman notes:

“The US, home to 5% of the world’s population, consumes 80% of the world’s drugs. The country is a black hole…”

Also, in one of many signs Donald Trump will replace “Biden,” more and more proof of a stolen 2020 election is emerging. For example, Wayne County, Michigan, never lawfully certified its 2020 presidential election results, potentially making Donald Trump the winner.

More and more public calls are being made for the Biden show to end. For example, the British paper Telegraph says “Joe Biden is becoming dangerous. Remove him now before it’s too late.”

In a clear sign the wind has changed in the US, Vladimir Zelensky showed up in Washington asking for $24 billion and left empty-handed.

Here are some comments by prominent US Politicians about Zelensky.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy:

Is Zelensky elected to Congress? Is he our President? I don’t think I have to commit anything. I have questions for him…

Senator Rand Paul:

Do not be deceived by Zelensky. Ukraine is corrupt: They’ve canceled the elections …They banned the political parties, they’ve invaded churches, they’ve arrested priests, so no, it isn’t a democracy, it’s a corrupt regime.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene:

“Zelensky is back in Washington this week to beg for the American people’s hard-earned tax dollars. Meanwhile, we just learned of even more money laundering happening in Ukraine. This time, the beneficiaries are Bill and Hillary ClintonWherever there is corruption there’s Bill and Hillary 

Another commentator noted:

Zelensky visited the US in person, made a speech at the UN, and came home with an amount of ammo so small the Pentagon won’t give numbers and a handful of the worst air defense systems currently in use by a major power.

In the Army, we called this “getting thrown under the bus.”

Even the corporate propaganda press has changed its tune. After blaming Russia, the New York Times has been forced to report a missile that hit a crowded market in Ukraine was caused by a missile fired by Ukraine.

Meanwhile, Rupert Murdoch has announced he is stepping down as Chairman of Fox and News Corp while Michael Bloomberg announced he is retiring from the news wire named after him. Hopefully, now Bloomberg and Fox reporters can return to reporting the truth.

This change has been noticed overseas.

Washington has given its partners the go-ahead to “dump” Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky as he has become a nuisance, Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko claimed during a government meeting on Friday.

Right on cue, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said “Poland will no longer arm Ukraine to focus on its own defense,”

Polish intelligence also noted the EU is tired of drunk Ukrainian refugees. They sent us this picture. The caption reads “We only sell alcohol to people with German or EU documents!”

To see how out of touch with reality the EU leadership is getting, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen warns “Russia threatens to use nuclear weapons once again.” 

Meanwhile, as Zelensky was shunned, the people behind the farce like the Clintons, the fake Pope Francis and their BlackRock front were all gathered in Ukraine hoping to get more money.

They are actually in Ukraine to try to avoid arrest and child sex trafficking charges, Mossad sources say.

After being rejected in Washington Zelensky attended a secret meeting in New York City with the nation’s top financiers, including private equity bosses at JPMorgan, Google and Blackstone, media mogul Michael Bloomberg, ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt, billionaire Robert Kraft and diplomat Henry Kissinger.

Zelensky emerged from the meeting to ask Satanist Marina Abramovic to be the Ukrainian Ambassador. For newbies, here’s satanic witch and influencer Marina Abramovic, pouring real clotted blood over a child’s effigy. She’s good friends with the Rothschilds, Clintons, Podesta, Gates and about 90% of the celebrities and elites. These people are evil and psychotic.

The Jews are also waking up to the Satanic criminals pretending to be their rulers. Last week somebody leaked 70,000 pages of top-secret Israeli documents to Iran, according to Iranian sources. These include all the judicial archives of Israel related to the criminal case against Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu. “One of these documents tells about the relapse of Netanyahu and his wife Sara’s illness,” the sources say. They add “A very important point is that the top-secret information in Iran’s possession can endanger the security of the Israeli regime.”

This happened just as Syrian President Bashar Assad arrived in China on Thursday on his first visit to the country since the start of Syria’s 12-year conflict, It looks like something is going to happen to or in Israel soon.

Change has already started in the rest of the world, most notably Africa. Last week the Republic of the Congo became the latest country to overthrow a corrupt neo-colonial regime.

At the UN, African leaders excoriated the Khazarian mafia-led West. The head of the Central African Republic on Thursday accused the West of triggering a migration crisis by pillaging Africa’s natural resources through slavery and colonization.

The President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, accused the colonizers of building an empire on the tragedy of Africans. “Reparations for the slave trade must be paid. It is time for Europe and the United States to recognize that the enormous wealth they enjoy comes from the sweat, tears, blood and horrors of the transatlantic slave trade and centuries of colonial exploitation,”

The Europeans, for their part, are starting to overthrow millennia of slavery. “We are seeing an end to this madness. The American people have had enough, as have most Europeans,” Mossad sources said. 

They sent us this video about how the Israeli secret services infiltrated the Palestinians and warned “This is exactly what they do in all other countries as well…They are an intelligent and sophisticated cancer. Its’ removal will require much work, both delicate and fierce.” 

People are fighting back. In Europe activists known as blade runners are destroying all the ULEZ traffic cameras. The cameras that have been taken out in London can be seen here.

In the US, opposition to doctors who kidnap children for medical purposes is growing across the country.

However, the Khazarian mafia is not going to go quietly into the night. A sign of this was the speech by the actor pretending to be Biden at the UN:

Nowhere is [cooperation with China] more critical than ACCELERATING THE CLIMATE CRISIS… We see it everywhere: record-breaking heatwaves in the United States and China; wildfires ravaging North America and Southern Europe; a fifth year of drought in the Horn of Africa; tragic, tragic flooding in Libya…that has killed thousands of people….We need to build new partnerships…to unlock trillions of additional financing.

UN Chief Guterres also chimed in by later saying “Humanity has opened the gates of hell.”

Translation; had over $ trillions or we will unleash more weather warfare.

The United Nations, by the way, has published a document saying “children can consent to sex with adults.” “The UN is full of pedophiles!” wrote former NHL star and Canadian Olympian Theo Fleury on Twitter.

Let us all work together to put a definitive end to the horror show of the Western ruling class.

With apologies for any unknown errors or misquotes, for which no responsibility is accepted.