About Us

GR & JL scan

My name is John (Jaish) Lamb, the operator of this website. Gururaj Ananda (1932-1988) gave me the name Jaish although I haven't legally adopted it. I'm now in my 70's with a full work-life in the building industry behind me when I concurrently worked voluntarily for Gururaj's teaching centre, The British Meditation Society, for 34 years including teaching for 12 years. I've had a thoroughly satisfying family life for many decades.

I write books and blogs, sail a small cruising boat in the local rivers (where it's amazingly still and peaceful most evenings and mornings), play a little golf and meditate most days. Fortune has it that my wife is a real Mahatma and my four children are all gems I'm thoroughly proud of.

Above all, I've had a keen interest in meditation for more than 50 years now. I loved physics at school and studied electrical / electronic energy physics at college, which led to my fascination with how everything in life fits together based on established scientific truths about particles, and how our minds challenge truth continuously instead of accepting it.

What fascinates me most is that there are at least 11 dimensions in us, and everything else around us. But most of us only use 3 of these dimensions from cradle to grave because we become obsessed with what appears to be solid matter. But mankind has proved that solid matter is not solid. And the 8 dimensions ignored by most humans hold the potential for problem-free absolute contentment and total understanding of why we're here.  What an amazing disuse of self-power. And we lead very confused lives based on self imposed ignorance. I had the (good?) fortune to experience the wholeness - that we are multi-dimensional - when I was recovering from a physical knock-down as a teenager. This caused my eventual uncovering, for myself, of how scientific truth and (so called) mystical experience are one and the same thing.

There is only one absolute truth. Everything else is untruth, quasi truth or, at best, part-truth.
We continuously fill up (what we perceive as) time, based on a 3 dimensional universe being reality - which it isn't! We acquire stuff, we attach ourselves to people and we cram our leisure time with temporary contentments. This gets us by in life, to an extent, and blanks out scary thoughts about death (until our last days!) but it doesn't provide real answers. And it doesn't enable us to utilise our multi-dimensional state, which, if we taste only the tiniest drip, leads to contentment, good health, receiving what we want and acquiring true knowledge about our evolutionary existence.

So, this website relates to not living the usual suffering in the average mind and not dying in ignorance or dissatisfaction. (Almost everyone dies somewhat dissatisfied or resentful that they're leaving, or both). Once our multi-dimensional reality is glimpsed, we release ourselves from ignorance and we don't die with any fear either. We recognise life as a continuum by allowing our consciousness to take in more reality while we're here in the physical form. Expanding one's consciousness just a tiny tad provides answers to most queries about our existence. When this happens, we cease being buffeted around by problems and anxieties that stem from restricting our viewpoint to what the senses can see and touch.

I also comment on the economy and a few other items of day to day interest, from time to time. My books are about our greater reality and how we can get to it and exploit it, including meditation which is essential for finding the ultimate stillness that reveals our whole self. (However, 'releasing' needs to accompany meditation in order to establish the perfect impenetrable happiness we all seek).

I've been asked on several occasions, "Are you Self Realised?" In terms of the much used expression 'enlightenment', the answer is emphatically no. I'm no guru. The enlightened Masters can procure full awareness any moment they wish to, transcending the partial dimensions our minds conceive. I'm just a commentator with a goal in mind - my own liberation. I'm working away at lots of dross still sticking to me. But I have glimpsed the multi dimensional reality - science calls it the bounday-less infinity and mystics call it one-ness or is-ness - more than once during this lifetime. These glimpses, which thousands of people get, enable full knowledge of the ultimate state of being (the WHOLE self) - albeit for a fraction of a second. This is enough to accurately assess what other teachers are claiming and to guide others who seek to bring more consciousness into their lives, whether for curiosity or for regenerating their life.

Please follow me on Twitter - @johnlambtweets. Also connect with me on Linkedin if you wish, as a friend. I don't chat on Facebook but use it to direct folk to this website. [ Jan'2016 - but I am 'tweeting' on Facebook this year ].

If you want, you can read my personal recollections and thinking during my years with Gururaj in my little diary-type book 'Meandermoirs'. I'm continuously learning more and I will add anything I think relevant, including more articles & blogs at this site.

John (Jaish) Lamb meditation tutor C.V.:

  • More than 50 years meditation experience
    Recommended as teacher /consultant by leaders of western world meditation societies
    Leader / CEO of British Meditation Society from 1980 to 2013
    Responsible for the tuition of more than 27,000 students, in meditation
    Published author of 8 books, including 3 on meditation / visualisation
    Experienced in recognition of the pure consciousness of Self
    Maintainer of British Meditation Society archives and website
    International reference person on the spiritual-to-scientific direct consciousness link

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