Monthly Archives: November 2017

Peace for us – a newsy blog


I don’t often pen newsy blogs. But, now and then … heh? Maybe more to come – who knows.

To mark our 40 years together Suzanne and I have climbed outside the box, as they say. Not for the first time of course. We have acquired a cabin-like small dwelling in a peaceful private spot, intending to modify it a little, to suit us. Sue has always wanted to live later-life in a peaceful spot in a cabin near trees, elevated and with a view thrown in if possible. Quite a spec there, we thought! But something suddenly came up that suits the bill (as Shakti guides) so why not go ahead now? Oh well, I was looking forward my first winter in decades without boatyard work. Now I’ve got something to replace it.

If you haven’t delved into Shakti’s potential yourself you can always start with a bit of meditation. It draws the forces (we are) together in a more focused manner. The smallest particles ever, that can’t be seen, are everywhere inside and outside of us like a thick fog. That’s a proven fact now (e.g. Higgs Bosons). Overlooking our ability to use these particles – and even finer ones – is tantamount to wasting our most powerful force, which can be simply reached for and grasped if we train ourselves into frequent quietude.

I think most everyone will be using the ‘force’ in a few decades time; certainly in a century. So why miss out when we can now avoid dying unfulfilled?

Peace …. peace …. peace. Om, Shanti.

Why not take a peek at / / (Also equivalents in Canada, Spain, Denmark, Belgium and Ireland). There’s loads more out there including increasingly popular YouTube slots on Gururaj, Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Mooji, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Parsons, Vivekenanda, etc. Next year I hope to be getting on the go as well – and I’ll post the relevant info’ here.